papac media AB

Fotograf Christian Johansson

Sitting in a chair

listen to a teacher have never been my favorite thing to do. I do love to learn new thing but to be stuffed with things just because, no way. Maybe thats why workshops are so fun, it fits my brain. A good mix of teaching,practice and evaluation. Even if it´s hard at the moment, critique from a teacher you respect and have chosen yourself are a tremendous way to grow. For a couple of years I have gone to Barcelona and the Internationella Skolorna for workshops. Omar who manage the photoworkshops there have a good way of picking the top photographers in different genres and only top of the line names.

This year Åke E-son Lindman will come down for the second time to lead  a architectural photography workshop. I was on it last time and Åke are really full of knowledge and share it to class in a fun and personal way. Lots of practice, critique and fun. If I can get time I will go down aging this fall, can´t get enough.

The second photo workshop are with Pia Ulin, Interior and Lifestyle photographer who have a lot of nice clients in her list. I have signed up for this one and there will be a lot of nice setups to shoot from local decorators and designers. Don´t know how Pia are as a teacher but I know Omar and he only pick the best so I´m looking forward to a couple of weeks in Barcelona, intense as always. I can´t do anything half hearted so I will go all in and come home as a wrack, full of inspiration but still a wrack and see if I can implement what I learn to my everyday work:) My ambition are that all my client will gain as much as me.

If you also find these workshops interested, sign up and do it fast. Chance are that it will be sold out and it can take a year for the next one if you are lucky.


sitting in GBG

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3 Kommentarer

  1. grosse obsédée 14 maj ’14

    Un magistral merci au créateur de ce site web

  2. x canaille 21 jun ’14

    Tiens je comptais justement rédiger un petit post identique à celui-ci

  3. éjac interne 22 jun ’14

    Vous rédigez sans cesse des articles passionnants

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Sitting in a chair

listen to a teacher have never been my favorite thing to do. I do love to learn new thing but to be stuffed with things just because, no way. Maybe thats why workshops are so fun, it fits my brain. A good mix of teaching,practice and evaluation. Even if it´s hard at the moment, critique from a teacher you respect and have chosen yourself are a tremendous way to grow. For a couple of years I have gone to Barcelona and the Internationella Skolorna for workshops. Omar who manage the photoworkshops there have a good way of picking the top photographers in different genres and only top of the line names.

This year Åke E-son Lindman will come down for the second time to lead a architectural photography workshop. I was on it last time and Åke are really full of knowledge and share it to class in a fun and personal way. Lots of practice, critique and fun. If I can get time I will go down aging this fall, can´t get enough.

The second photo workshop are with Pia Ulin, Interior and Lifestyle photographer who have a lot of nice clients in her list. I have signed up for this one and there will be a lot of nice setups to shoot from local decorators and designers. Don´t know how Pia are as a teacher but I know Omar and he only pick the best so I´m looking forward to a couple of weeks in Barcelona, intense as always. I can´t do anything half hearted so I will go all in and come home as a wrack, full of inspiration but still a wrack and see if I can implement what I learn to my everyday work:) My ambition are that all my client will gain as much as me.

If you also find these workshops interested, sign up and do it fast. Chance are that it will be sold out and it can take a year for the next one if you are lucky.


sitting in GBG

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Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz


© 2025 papac media AB

Tema av Anders Norén

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