papac media AB

Fotograf Christian Johansson


Stockholm for this time. Lots of streetwalking and finally I got to see Helmut Newtons iconic pictures on Fotografiska. Like these two images hanging together, 2m large prints that really shows what a piece of film are capable of. An exhibition well worth the time, it´s easy to see where many now active photographers get the inspiration from. For more inspire and pictures by Helmut Newton and other artists visit



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Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz


© 2025 papac media AB

Tema av Anders Norén

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