papac media AB

Fotograf Christian Johansson

Some days

are better then others. Well it did not start that good. I like to sleep in but the car had an appointment at the garage 07.00 so there was nothing else to do then set the alarm and fake a smile for my self. Then the fun began. First stop, shooting the girls at Intro Inred. It´s always fun to meet them all, what a gang and they are growing. New faces every time, and Wictoria rally got a way to pick them. Next stop was with another favorite stylist that I been shooting a lot with lately. And as always Anna Bülow had done wonder with whats given to her. Lots of girls today, no complain, so to round it of I made a quick stop to see Liv and Ullis before getting my truck back. As I said some day are better then other:)


green in  GBG

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Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz


© 2025 papac media AB

Tema av Anders Norén

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