papac media AB

Fotograf Christian Johansson

A day at the museum

with my grandson. Fun and extra fun that he finds it interesting to.


The news are spreading. Fuji are going to discontinue the last Black&White packfilm, if this is true, and everything point in that direction there will be no more Fuji FP3000B. The Phoblographer and Petapixel are reporting it and they use to have a lot of facts you can depend on.

What can be done?

I for shore are gonna speed up my orders and buy as much as I can, I have used it on a regular basis so I have gone through a lot of packs and don´t wanna stop. If we buy and more buy maybe Fuji can find a reason to continue the production.

There are a petition online started by photographer Michael Ash Smith, sign it, blog about it and spread the word!!!

Come on, let´s make Fuji understand the need to keep this film. If they go in the wrong direction I for shore gonna put Fuji on my own ban list. To bad coz I think they do a lot of god with there X-serie of cameras. I was planning to buy one ore two X-cameras but now I´m a bit pissed of and will wait and see.


Barcelona Leica M6, TriX 400@1600 Rodinal 1:50

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Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz


© 2025 papac media AB

Tema av Anders Norén

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