papac media AB

Fotograf Christian Johansson

A day for some lemonade

and nothing more. Well I did some more, I finally got to Abecita art museum to see Paul Hansens exhibition. I know it would be strong but when you see it the punch in the stomach can be more then you want. He show us an extract of all the evil on this planet and as a individual you feel helpless and want to do more. Our problems are that it´s some hot summer days and we can´t do anything but sit and drink lemonade and at the same time millions of people around the world fear for there lives and do what ever they can just to keep living. I have some thinking to do. A couple of years ago I took a workshop with Paul and I´m stunned that he can have such a human and caring personality after all he been thru, or maybe it´s because of. Any how, as I said, I have some thinking to do, for what good I have no idea but I have to process what I have seen.



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Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz
Christian Johansson i Hajom, Västra Götalands län, SE på Houzz


© 2025 papac media AB

Tema av Anders Norén

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